New Year 2025 Sale!
Don't miss out on a 80% discount!

- Max Rive Look
- Focus Stacking
- HSL advanced
- Color Paint
- Haze
- Side-light
- IG Editing
- Nd-grads
- Separation
With this Landscape Post Processing Course, you will create the ultimate colors in your landscape photo. All the latest color editing techniques and tricks will be demonstrated on this photo from Peru. White balance, split-toning, color calibration, selective color, color balance, color painting, adding color haze and more. This Landscape Post Processing Course will also cover all kinds of other editing techniques - including a focus stack on the foreground flowers. Learn how to combine your focus stacked images with 100% clean results - regardless if the photos were perfectly taken! In this Landscape Post Processing Course you will also get all the other usual editing techniques from Max Rive. This will help you to create the best light, contrast and mood in your landscape image. You will also find the RAW images for download. The course itself can be streamed and downloaded.
New Year 2025 Sale!
Don't miss out on a 80% discount!
Lifetime access to Landscape Post Processing Course and RAWs - download and stream

Focus Stacking.
You would like to learn how to do focus stacking in Photoshop with nearby foreground objects. With this Landscape Post Processing Course, difficult and frustrating merging will be something of the past!
Colored Light and Separation.
You would like to add great separation and light to your image. A combination of multiple techniques have been used in this Landscape Post Processing Course, to create that special effect on the left side of this landscape photo.
You would like to ...You would like to know how to crop, edit and prepare your horizontal image the best way possible for Instagram. Know how to post the best possible version on Instagram to get the highest engagement. With this Landscape Post Processing Course you will also be ready for Instagram posting.
Manual Focus Stacking.
Manual Focus Stacking.
The Focus Stacking technique combines multiple images taken at different focus distances.This technique is needed if you want to have sharpness from front to back, and if your camera is within a short distance towards the nearest foreground object. This editing technique is only possible if you are using a tripod - or, at least that is what most photographers. think. In this Landscape Post Processing Course, Max Rive will demonstrate how you can do the focus stacking technique when the photos have been taken handheld.
The presence of color haze is a welcome element when you want to achieve more color depth. The more color haze, the more depth between layers. Sometimes the sky is very clear or there is no light coming in the valley. In these cases the photo can greatly benefit from added haze. The color of the haze is also important, which should be warmer and brighter towards the sun and cooler and darker when you are further away from the sun. In this Landscape Post Processing Course, you will learn how to add realistic looking haze and which rules apply in order to make it look realistic.
Color Haze.
Color Haze.
Color Light.
Color Light.
Colored Light in a landscape photo is important for the depth, the mood, the balance of the composition and as a focus point. When colored light increases, it can increase the separation between mountain layers and can add light on the side of the image. It will also have an effect on the light or glow on the foreground and mid ground. In this Landscape Post Processing Course you will apply this with quick to learn techniques, allowing you to paint the desired light in your landscape photo.

...color light from the side, sun glow, color separation, light on the pool, reflecting glacier, river editing, and more.

The absolute highlight during my exploration of the Andes, was this high mountain viewpoint towards Siula Grande. There were numerous different colored flowers I used as foreground, such as these lupine flowers. As I rarely use a tripod when on location, I had to do manual focus stacking. When I had to choose a from start to finish tutorial from this location, I choose this one because of the big variety of color editing techniques. Besides the manual focus stacking technique, I do different color light techniques. Such as color light from the side, sun glow, color separation, light on the pool, reflecting glacier, river editing, and more. I also worked on the details of the snow capped mountains with my snow contrast technique. The colors itself have been edited with the HSL-menu, Split Toning, White Balance, Color Balance and Selective Color. I finish this from start to finish tutorial with my Instagram editing technique and preparation workflow.